800m+ shoppers hungry for international products

The Chinese equivalents to Kickstarter and IndieGogo exist within China's biggest shopping ecosystems, Alibaba, Jingdong, and Xiaomi. These platforms have huge existing user bases, and an advanced suite of marketing tools, which make them the ideal, entry point for your brand. At Chinable, we believe that successful crowdfunding is all about combining creativity and efficiency. Here's how we manage your campaign in four steps:

1. Strategy

Insights from similar campaigns; Pricing strategy; choose platform(s); Marketing plan and schedule; One-page report.

2. Setup

Creation/localisation of marketing assets; Creation of campaign page; Feedback gathering and tweaks; Social channels.

3. Launch

Customer service; Press releases; Influencer marketing; Tracking and adjustments for higher sales; Daily reporting.

4. Fulfilment

Collection of proceeds; Shipping of orders; Further customer engagement via promotions; Return management.

5,000+ brands successfully funded

Numerous international have already been crowdfunded in China. If they had of used Chinable, they would have earned much more! Whatever your size or product, Chinable has you covered...

Kickstarter or IndieGogo creators looking to double-down in China

Direct-to-consumer brands seeking new customers and revenue

International distributors expanding their sales channels

Choose a package

We have packages to suit most budgets. Not sure which package is right for you? 
Send us an email and we'll be happy to advise. Quality guaranteed.



We spend $2,000 on marketing
You get 70% of proceeds
Full reporting
Phone/email service
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We spend $4,000 on marketing
You get 80% of proceeds
Full reporting
Phone/email service
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We spend $10,000 on marketing
You get 90% of proceeds
Full reporting
Phone/email service
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Frequently asked questions

How is crowdfunding different in China?

Each crowdfunding platform in China works differently, but the main difference with Chinese platforms compared to Kickstarter, is that they usually won't let you launch a campaign without a pre-existing, product. To protect Chinese consumers, platforms expect your product to be ready to ship. Besides that the way you market your campaign should be different. This blog post provides a more detailed answer.

What kind of products do you work with?

Due to internet restrictions in China, we work mostly work with consumer products, including tech, design, homeware, and other physical product categories that can be sold through online shopping websites. If you have a digital product or something else, feel free to contact us. We may still be able to help. At the very least, we will try to give you some free advice.

Can I use existing marketing assets from my IndieGogo or Kickstarter campaign?

Yes, absolutely. If you've already done a campaign on one of these platforms, that's perfect. We can localize/translate your existing assets to fit your campaign in China.

How long do campaigns usually take?

The short answer is: approximately three months including fulfillment. We divide our workflow into four steps. The first two steps (strategy and setup usually take 2-4 weeks. The launch step (i.e., the actual selling bit) usually runs for 30 or 60 days. After that, fulfillment can be completed in around two weeks, not including return management.

Who founded Chinable/ Where are you based?

Chinable was founded by an Australian Founder with 8+ years of on-the-ground, tech, and marketing experience in China. The Chinable team works remotely - mostly out of Australia, United States, Mainland China, and Hong Kong. The company itself (Slingshot Limited) is headquartered in Hong Kong.

Can I do my own fulfilment?

Yes, if you already have a fulfilment provider in Hong Kong or Mainland China, you can usually use them if that's what you want. Otherwise, you can leave it to us and we will engage a suitable fulfilment provider to work on behalf of your campaign. Either way your fulfilment costs will probably be similar.

How many platforms will you run our campaign on?

It depends on your product and budget. For most campaigns, it's best to focus all efforts around one single platform. However, sometimes 2 or 3 platforms make more sense. We'll do our research and give you our recommendations during the first phase of our workflow. In general, we need to ensure we are getting you the best bang for your buck and not spreading ourselves too thin.

My product needs an app to work. Will that be problematic in China?

If your product is solely an app with no physical product, then crowdfunding in China is probably not going to be a good fit for you. However, if you have a physical product that connects to an app, we can still do crowdfunding for you. We may need to work with your developers to translate and localise a version of your app that would make sense in China. If you would like to get your app listed on Chinese app stores, we can help you with that for a small one time fee.

What do you mean by "spent on marketing"?

To ensure the best results for your campaign, we spend a big chunk of your package fee on 3rd party marketing expenses. For most campaigns, marketing includes a little PR and a lot of influencer marketing. We can involve you in the marketing decisions. You will get a chance to review and provide your feedback during the strategy phase of our workflow.

What do you mean by "proceeds"?

When we say proceeds, we mean the full amount of money paid by your backers/customers minus commissions paid to the crowdfunding platform, fulfillment centers, and payment processors (if any). As a rule of thumb, you can expect that around 10-15% of the full amount collected will go to these services.

Do you manage donation and equity-based campaigns?

Currently, no. There are three types of crowdfunding: donation-based, rewards-based, and equity crowdfunding. Chinable focuses solely on rewards-based crowdfunding as popularised by US websites such as IndieGogo and Kickstarter.

Do you provide other China-related services?

Yes, we do! If you need something other than crowdfunding management, send us an email with some details about your requirements, and we'll let you know if we can help. We are hard at work building out workflows for a range of other services that will help you be successful in China.

Why do I need Chinable? Can't I manage a campaign myself?

The rules and requirements for crowdfunding in China are much stricter than they are in the US. For one thing, most platforms require a local company registration. Marketing is also a completely different ballgame here in China. So to do it effectively requires some local expertise. If you have a Chinese speaker on your team, you may be able to manage your own crowdfunding campaign in China. To help you get started, we created this blog post.

I broke even on my Kickstarter campaign. Can I actually make some money in China?

Yes, we aim to make your China campaign as profitable as possible. Chances are you already have some great marketing assets and can share some valuable lessons from your previous crowdfunding. Our package prices take this into account. We provide a similar level of quality to our US counterparts but at a cheaper price. And since your product will be ready made. you should be able to sell your products on Chinese crowdfunding platforms at closer to recommended retail price (RRP). Also keep in mind that Chinese consumers are used to paying a premium for international brands. We will research and propose a pricing strategy during the first phase of our workflow.

I don't have a chinese company. Can I still do a campaign? How do I get paid? 

We have arrangements with partner companies on the China mainland that we can use to apply for and list your campaigns. When your campaign is finished, we can send the proceeds to any international company and bank account in the US, EU or elsewhere. All we need from you is an invoice with company and bank details.

"China is the future"

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